Life is in the detail

If you can try to take a local cooking class in every new place you travel to. Not only do you get an authentic experience and tasty meal, but it’s the best way to keep the adventures alive when you’re back home in your kitchen.

Charlotte - Original Diver

Charlotte Dunn

Original Travel Expert

I have extensive travel experience throughout Malta, Mexico and Raja Ampat.

My travels

Large school of hammerhead sharks at Galapagos Islands.

Travel Things I Want To Do Before I Die

  • Cave dive the Glass Factory in the Bahamas
  • Dive with a hundred hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos
  • Travel to Antarctica
  • Dive in Mexico's sardine runs!
A close up of the splendid toadfish hiding under a rock in Cozumel

Best Moments

  • Seeing the pristine corals in Raja Ampat. I was completely blown away by the bright colours and thriving marine life. It had everything from creeping wobbegong sharks to pygmy seahorses.
  • Swimming with eight circling manta rays during a rain storm in Raja Ampat. We were just heading back to the liveaboard when the captain told us to detour and slip back into the water as the group of manta rays had just been spotted near the surface.
  • Finding a splendid toadfish in Cozumel. I really wanted to see one as they are endemic to Cozumel and on our final dive we managed to spot one hiding on the low reef.
Above shot of fish in wicker baskets at a fish market

Toughest Travel Moment

  • Going to a fish market in Malta and finding over a hundred pregnant female sharks that had been illegally caught.
View of a lantern stall in a market in Egypt

Weirdest Travel Moment

  • Being pulled onto a pop-up stage in a market in Egypt and then being hypnotised. I have no idea how he could guess my mother's and brother's names!

Explore my blog posts

Close image of a pygmy seahorse sitting on light pink coral

Our Team’s Best Dives

It's no secret that the Original Diving team loves the ocean. Collectively, we've got over 2,000 dives under our weight belts and have travelled far and wide to relieve our itchy fins. Along the way, we've collected memories and stories which we love to reminisce about. Join us as we take a…

A marine iguana sitting on a rock at the waters edge in the Galapagos

Endemic Species and Where to Find Them

Many divers compile bucket lists filled with coveted sites and marine marvels, and often, we find ourselves going to particular sites in search of endemic species. These creatures are exclusive to specific geographic regions, adding to their allure, from the leafy sea dragon lurking in the…

High angle shot of the small lush islands of Indonesia

The World's Best Island-Hopping Itineraries

The world is big and the glorious challenge us travellers have is how to explore as much of it as possible with the limited holiday days you have each year. That's why we have created our list of the world's best island-hopping itineraries for the time poor, adventure-seeking dive addicts.

Diving BCD hanging up to dry with wetsuits on the rail behind it

How to Perfect Your Dive Kit

From foggy masks to leaky wetsuits, your gear can either make or break a dive. However, with an endless list of dive equipment, it can be challenging to know what to prioritise. For those starting out, there are a few bits of basic kit - a mask, snorkel and fins - that every diver should…

Underwater photography of tropical reef species in Papua New Guinea

The World’s Best Scuba Diving Sites

The ocean is just one gigantic blue playground with over 4,000 current dive sites. We're sure that you'd love to tick off every destination, but just in case you don't have that much time on your fins, we've compiled a list of the world's best diving. From sharks to shrimp, reefs to walls,…

A large camera sits on a rock on the shoreline of an ocean during sunset.

The 14 Best Diving Films

When you're desperate to submerge, but currently landbound, sometimes a good diving film has to suffice. The ocean has appeared on the big screen for decades, captivating audiences with stunning seascapes, delightful marine characters and thrilling underwater adventures. Whether you want to…

Arctic Icebergs Greenland in the arctic sea with an orange sky at sunset

Warm vs Cold Water Diving

Diving enthusiasts often find themselves torn between the allure of tropical paradises with their warm, inviting waters and the mystique of colder climates, where an entirely different underwater adventure awaits. Some think that there is more adventure in the quieter less explored cold…

Water level photo showing a boat on the surface with a diver below in blue waters

Boat vs Shore Diving

When it comes to diving discourse, one of the age-old debates is: boat vs shore diving? Most of us learned to dive from shore and as we gain confidence and experience, we seek adventures in the deeper end - by jumping off a boat into the big blue to discover new dive sites. That being said,…

Dewi Nusantara liveaboard boat sailing in Indonesia

Liveaboard v’s Land-based diving holidays

It's 6am, the hues of the morning sun are dancing across the glassy sea. Right below you a black tip reef shark is gently circling the boat. You grab your mask and slip into the water alongside him. For a few precious moments it's just you and him in the water. This is the magic of a…

Common Lionfish (Pterois Miles) on a colorful coral reef.

Top Ten Lionfish Facts

Lionfish are a group of fish known for their regal appearance, hence their nickname as the 'kings' and 'queens' of the coral reefs. With their flowing fins; maroon, black or white stripes; and venomous spikes, these creatures have been the object of admiration for years. Lionfish are native…

Sunset over the waters with thatched roof villas

Top Destinations for your Valentine (Divertine)

Do you show your love by creating elaborate patterns in the sand like the male Japanese puffer fish or opt for an eight-hour-long dancing ritual to court the one that you fancy like a seahorse? Perhaps, like us, you would rather witness these events happening with your special diving buddy.…

Bluespotted ribbontail ray on coral reef

Your Dive Calendar Part 2

Part two of our dive calendar starts smack bang in midsummer. A time during which the UK does its best to produce temperatures that remotely resemble the season and everyone else tallies up their remaining annual leave and heads somewhere well versed in summer sun. If this sounds like you,…

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