Sardinia Diving Holidays: An Overview
Diving in Sardinia offers aquarium-like conditions with almost limitless visibility. Often described as the most exciting diving in the Mediterranean, it is both varied and suitable for all divers, from novices to the more experienced.
A major reason why the scuba diving is so good is that this corner of Sardinia is actually a national park, La Maddalena. You'll come across more fish life here than anywhere else in the Med; at Picchi di Punta Coticcio, for instance, there are moray, octopus, large grouper, beautiful nudibranchs, scorpionfish, lobster and schools of castagnole.
There is not much big life at any of the dive sites, but you can find a large group of good-sized groupers to the north in the islands of Lavezzi, which seem totally unfazed by divers' paparazzi-like behaviour.