Time difference
Mozambique is GMT (UK time) plus one hour, and doesn't adhere to daylight saving time, meaning the clocks remain unchanged throughout the year.
The currency used in Mozambique is the metical (MZM). Banks are open on weekdays, from 8am to 11am and then from 2pm to 4 pm.
The standard electrical current in Mozambique is 220 Volts/50 Hz, with plug types C, F and M in use. Pack an adapter suitable for European-style plugs.
Shops and amenities
During the weekdays, merchants are typically open from 8.30am-12.30pm and 2pm until 6pm. On Saturdays, they usually open from 8.30 am to 1.30pm.
Sending post from Mozambique to Europe usually takes between eight and 15 days to reach its destination.
To make a call from the UK to Mozambique, dial: 00 - 258 - followed by a landline or mobile number. For calls from Mozambique to the United Kingdom, dial: 00 - 44 - area code followed by a landline number, or 00 - 44 - and a mobile number.
Internet and mobile coverage
Mobile coverage in Mozambique is generally good, but it's recommended to check with your operator for potential charges. Wi-Fi is commonly available in most hotels and cyber-cafés, and low-speed internet is found in major cities across Mozambique.