Travel Advice & Information

Time Difference

Oman operates on GMT+4 and does not observe daylight saving time. During summer, it's only three hours ahead of the UK.


Omani rial (OMR) is the official currency and is divided into 1,000 baïzas. Notes come in denominations of 100 and 200 baisa, and half, one, five, ten, 20 and 50 rials. And coins are available in five, ten, 25, and 50 baisa. ATMs are widespread, even in smaller towns, but banks provide the best exchange rates. Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted, though American Express is not, and note that some hotels and restaurants may levy an additional 5% fee for card payments. For smaller expenses, like transportation, it's recommended to carry cash.


The standard voltage is 240 volts, with plug type G (the same three flat pin plugs used in the UK) or European standard.

Shops and amenities

Daily opening hours for shops are 9am[EM1] to 1pm and 4pm to 10pm, except on Fridays when they open from 4pm onwards. Banks generally open Saturday to Thursday, from 8am to 2pm. Pharmacies in Muscat are often open 24/7, but opening hours vary. During Ramadan, opening hours may change, so consult our team for the latest advice.


Post offices are widespread, especially in cities, and hotels often sell stamps. The central station is in Muscat, with post offices in each city opening around 7.30am to 3pm/4pm from Sunday to Thursday. Ramadan may alter these hours so, again, be sure to ask our team for any advice.


To call Oman from the UK, dial 00 968 followed by the phone number. To call the UK from Oman, dial 00 44 followed by the nine-digit number (excluding the first 0).

Internet and Mobile Coverage

Oman boasts reliable 3G and 4G coverage but be sure to confirm your mobile coverage with your local operator as roaming charges can be very high. Consider purchasing a local SIM card, available in post offices, petrol stations and various shops.


OMR (Omani rial)

fresh ground spices in a market
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